Yi Lv
Certified LeSS Trainer, Agile Coach
Yi Lv is living in Hangzhou, China. From late 2005, while working in Nokia Networks, he started to get acquainted with agile software development, in particular, Scrum. That turned out to be his first experience of LeSS adoption. He led a department inside that product organization and focused on developing teams and Scrum Masters to create sustainability. During the year of 2008, he also became the first Certified Scrum Trainer from China.
As an Agile Coach, he also worked in other industries such as Internet companies. His focus has been on large-scale product development, especially helping organizations benefit from LeSS and/or its adoption. One of those experiences has been documented as a LeSS case study, Huawei - LeSS without Scrum(
He has been learning and practicing systems thinking since 2009. Over the past couple of years, he wrote a series of blogs( to help see system dynamics in organizational design and change. Why promoting systems thinking as a LeSS trainer and coach? He explained this in my view of LeSS( In short, he believes that LeSS opens up the stairway to a learning organization in the field of product development.